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dc.contributor.authorAgualimpia Romero, Helmer David-
dc.contributor.authorOrtega Gómez, Ana María-
dc.contributor.authorEcheverry Espinosa, Eloina del Carmen-
dc.contributor.authorCastillo Bolaños, Jennifer-
dc.contributor.authorVega Arrieta, Harold-
dc.descriptionLa pandemia del coronavirus nos ha introducido en una crisis global, que paralizó a China, luego a Europa y así sucesivamente, hasta llegar a América Latina. El SARS-CoV2. (Covid-19) hace su primera aparición en el continente americano el 26 de febrero, específicamente en Brasil; este confirmó en medios nacionales su primer caso en São Paulo. Cuatro semanas más tarde, el 16 de marzo de 2020, ya se registraban 5.584 casos en toda América Latina: EEUU 4.252, Canadá 376, Brasil 234, Chile 156, Perú 86, Panamá 55, Argentina 56, Ecuador 58, Costa Rica 35, Colombia 54, México 53, R. Dominicana 21, Bolivia 11, Jamaica 15, Guayana Francesa 11, Martinica 15, Paraguay 8, Reunión 9, Cuba 4, Uruguay 4, Puerto Rico 5, Aruba 2, Honduras 6, Trinidad y Tobago 6, Venezuela 17, Guyana 7, Guatemala 8, Surinam 1, Curazao 2, Santa Lucía 2, San Martín 2, Islas Caimán 1, Antigua y Barbuda 1, Bahamas 1, San Vicente y Granadinas 1, Guadalupe 6. Y 87 fallecidos (Malamud & Núñez, 2020). Para el 12 de marzo por medio de decreto presidencial, nuestro país de Colombia se declara en emergencia sanitaria. Desde entonces, los gobiernos de América Latina han tomado una serie de medidas para proteger, salvaguardar a sus ciudadanos y contener la propagación de COVID-19. Según un recuento de Reuters del 26 de julio, América Latina se ha convertido en la región con más casos confirmados a nivel global, representando más de un cuarto de los casos mundiales (Horwitz, Paola Nagovitch, Sonneland, & Zissis, 2020). Por la magnitud de lo que está ocurriendo los gobernantes de América Latina han asumido la dirección directa de la crisis, tomando decisiones estratégicas en cuanto a medidas sanitarias, políticas y económicas, las cuales han repercutido de una forma positiva o negativa en toda la población del continente americano.en_US
dc.description.abstractSARS-CoV2. (Covid-19) makes its first appearance on the American continent on February 26, specifically in Brazil; he confirmed his first case in São Paulo in the national media. Due to the magnitude of what is happening, the leaders of Latin America have assumed the direct direction of the crisis, making strategic decisions regarding health, political and economic measures, which have had a positive or negative impact on the entire population of the country. American continent.Most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean implemented measures similar to those taken by European and Asian countries to stop the spread of the virus, governments closed their borders, decreed the mandatory isolation of the population and prohibited any activity that implied the concentration of people in public and private places. Among the measures adopted by governments to make social distancing effective are: the curfew, mandatory confinements, the closure of schools and universities, as well as restrictions on the mobility of the population. Faced with this unprecedented panorama, it is evident that, as a result, the economy is closed and paralyzed, because societies go into more or less severe quarantines, depending on the country and its ruler. The policy measures that have already been taken to face the crisis are in permanent change, as seen in the COVID-19 Observatory in Latin America and the Caribbean, of ECLAC, which updates this information frequently. Beyond any predictive model, government action is taking place on the basis of trial and error. The uncertainty that humanity is currently experiencing, which will not end until a vaccine is developed, will continue to have a negative impact on the social and economic dimensions of development.en_US
dc.publisherCorporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez, Barranquillaen_US
dc.subjectCovid 19en_US
dc.subjectAmérica Latinaen_US
dc.subjectLatin Americaen_US
dc.titleImpacto sociojurídico del Covid-19 en la gobernanza de países de América.en_US
dc.title.alternativeDocumento consolidado PAT Colectivo (FT-IV-015) V semestre 2020 2Pen_US
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