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dc.contributor.authorCardona Gaviria, Carlos Ricardo-
dc.contributor.authorOrtega Gómez, Ana María-
dc.contributor.authorEcheverry Espinosa, Eloina del Carmen-
dc.contributor.authorCaicedo Villamizar, Alexander Enrique-
dc.contributor.authorCastillo Bolaños, Jennifer-
dc.contributor.authorVega Arrieta, Harold-
dc.descriptionPor medio del Decreto 1174 de 2020, el Gobierno Nacional establece la operación y cotización del piso de protección social para quienes devengan menos de un Salario Mínimo Legal Mensual Vigente. A continuación, desarrollaremos las preguntas más frecuentes derivadas de esta nueva normatividad: Adicionalmente, los trabajadores dependientes que se vinculen al Piso de Protección Social tendrán acceso al Subsidio Familiar. El Decreto relaciona dos tipos de vinculados: (I) Los obligatorios y (II) Los voluntarios: El valor del aporte anual máximo al Piso de Protección Social no podrá superar el valor establecido por la Comisión Intersectorial de Pensiones y Beneficios Económicos Periódicos. Así las cosas, debemos esperar esta reglamentación que según el Decreto 1174 de 2020 tendrá plazo desde la vigencia de la norma hasta el 31 de Enero de 2021.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn Colombia, about 5 million people earn less than a minimum wage. The main reason is to work temporarily, therefore, they do not receive a pay equivalent to a minimum wage, these people do not have any type of social benefit. The entire country does not stop talking about the new occurrence that the National Government established through Decree 1174 of 2020, this decree means a drastic change in the labor area and its form of hiring. Decree 1174 of August 27, 2020 intends to include new measures to Decree 1833 of 2016; This, to allow access and operation of the Social Protection Floor to people with incomes lower than a minimum wage, that is, it is giving way to a hiring by hours that would not include health, pension or parafiscal for a worker who earns less than minimum wage. Despite all the comments, the Minister of Labor, Ángel Custodio Cabrera, said that, contrary to what many are misinterpreting, what is being tried is to formalize vulnerable workers who do not have any type of protection. However, many Colombians do not agree with the provisions, and have assured, through social networks, that the Government of Iván Duque is only condemning the workers to misery. The Government assures that this decree seeks to guarantee these people social security, health and that they can begin to generate savings for their old age. This is attached to law 1328 of 2009, with which the periodic economic benefits program was created, that is, the possibility of creating savings for the person in the case of not having any full-time employment relationship or that no one responds on your behalf for these obligations.en_US
dc.publisherCorporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez, Barranquillaen_US
dc.subjectDerechos fundamentalesen_US
dc.subjectSeguridad socialen_US
dc.subjectDecreto 1174en_US
dc.subjectMinisterio de Trabajoen_US
dc.subjectFundamental Lawen_US
dc.subjectSocial Securityen_US
dc.subjectDecree 1174en_US
dc.subjectMinistry of Laboren_US
dc.title¿Cuáles son los efectos reales y esperados sobre el derecho fundamental a la seguridad social por la exposición del Decreto 1174 de 2020?en_US
dc.title.alternativeDocumento consolidado PAT Colectivo (FT-IV-015) VI semestre 2020 2Pen_US
Appears in Collections:Derecho - Barranquilla

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